Spring is typically known as the busiest season for home buying and selling. But that doesn't mean that other seasons are a write-off. In fact, there are even some advantages to selling in fall that the spring market doesn't have. And with the Toronto real estate market showing signs of picking back up, this could be your best chance.Here are some reasons why fall might be the best time to sell your home. Less Competition
Even though fall isn't the busiest season for Toronto real estate, that can actually work in your favour. Less activity results in less competition, which means buyers are less likely to look for a 'better' option. If your home is the only one for sale in your neighbourhood then a buyer can't compare your house to the one down the road with a slightly bigger yard. This can be especially helpful in a cooler market. More Serious Buyers
Since a large portion of real estate activity happens in the spring and summer, buyers who are still in the market once October rolls around are likely more motivated to make a purchase. Nobody wants to move in the snow or during the busy holiday season, so potential buyers usually want to get things signed and sealed as quickly as possible.
Seasonal Highlights
If your home has certain features that are more desirable during the colder months, then fall is the perfect time to highlight them. For example, a hot tub, fireplace, or extra insulation that you had installed recently can be a great selling point in the colder months which are likely overlooked in the spring and summer.